Storyboarding a street battle scene.
This is from the storyboard artist collaboration project on Facebook “EPISODE 02 Part A: Melee at the Bus Stop COVID-19”. Follow our storyboard collaboration on Facebook
After the sequence, a quick zoom to street level will be done in post. We begin the bloodbath, the next phase in the shot list.

Overhead view of empty set for Frames 15 to 20.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - empty set design
Frames 15 to 20 all camera movements and “extras” in place.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frames 15-16-17-18-19-20-all
Frame 15: DOC and BGUY and 6-7 people pushing and shoving.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frame 15
Frame 16: CONTINUOUS group A, pulling back/upward as 8-10 people (more people now) pushing and shoving.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frame 16
Frame 17: CONTINUOUS group A, still pulling back/up as 10-15 people now pushing and shoving. Fight started in center (where DOC and BGUY are) and slowly propagating outward.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frame 17
Frame 18: CONTINUOUS group A but much higher now (maybe treetop or higher), SCHEMATIC A: People coming out from all directions toward fight group A.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frame 18
Frame 19: CONTINUOUS, same shot, SCHEMATIC A: Fight continues in group A and spreads out on the street group B.Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frame 19
Frame 20: CONTINUOUS, same shot, SCHEMATIC A: Fight spreads to include group C. Fight is now on all sides of Bus.
Storyboarding A Street Battle Scene - Episode 02 - Frame 20